receive a call

美 [rɪˈsiːv ə kɔːl]英 [rɪˈsiːv ə kɔːl]
  • 接到电话
receive a callreceive a call
  1. It never occurs to me that I shall receive a call from him .


  2. You cannot make or receive a call during play because it will distract the players .


  3. Daniel will soon receive a call


  4. In the future , centenarians everywhere may also receive a call from a geneticist .


  5. You will receive a call from your boss , Terry piper .


  6. Agent feels that the customer 's problem has not been resolved and this customer will receive a call from a dedicated callback agent .


  7. The only landline I receive a call from now is the one located at my parents ' house and even they seldom use it anymore .


  8. Employees are often filled with pride when they receive a call from Mendoza , and note that the program speaks to NetApp 's commitment to creating a culture of appreciation .


  9. The font color of the number you enter when making a call can be changed along with the font color used for the phone number that is displayed when receive a call and make a call .


  10. As for the " smart " part , this ring links to your phone -- iOS first , Android due Q1 2016 -- over Bluetooth LE , and will only vibrate when you receive a call or text message from your one and only selected contact .


  11. Tomorrow you will receive a phone call .


  12. I hope to soon receive a phone call from the club that defines my future .


  13. Sadly , this was long after there was anyone to receive a phone call .


  14. You receive a Help call from a user who states that his user profile is not working correctly .


  15. If you receive a misdialled call , for example , a business call for someone you don 't know at your private number , you can say : There 's no Mr Li here .


  16. When we receive a telephone call we can of course make notes of what the caller says but what appears on our paper is a record of only what we thought the caller had said .


  17. If the stock market plunges and you own shares on margin , you could receive a margin call from your broker , asking that you add more cash or securities to your account .


  18. At the same time , you receive a Cell Phone call from your boss who tells you that your service is no longer required .


  19. Now here I am at the doorstep to my80th birthday and I receive a random phone call on an idle Wednesday afternoon .
